Saturday, May 2, 2009


Day Two - 4:45 pm my time ( I am 6 hours ahead of all of you)

So, I have to explain the whole travel thing to everyone. Since we are 6 hours ahead of you, from the time that I woke up in Canada on the day I left to time that I went to sleep in Switzerland I was up a full day in a half. We had to force ourselves to stay awake until 9:00 pm Swiss time (4:00 pm your time). So I was up from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm the NEXT day. FML. =/

Let me explain the area that we are staying in. To drive to Huemoz - the town that I am staying in - we have to drive 1000 meters UP on a road JUST wide enough for two cars and the whole way up the road is hair pin turns, something you would expect to see in a James Bond movie - you all know the scene, where he is speeding along the road in his Aston Martin, just destroying the hair pin turns, then the camera changes its angle and all you see is valley ... thats this road.

Out my chalet window I have an unobstructed view of the Swiss alps, the French alps and one Italian alp. Say alp out loud ... it's a funny word.

We have friends that live in Huemoz, Karen and Richard and their two children. Richard teaches at LaBrie, a school meant for college/university aged kids who want to figure their life out. The town of Huemoz is the HQ for LaBrie, houses that may appear as houses could actually be classrooms, there is no "campus".

Richard is a modern day philosopher. His job is to read a lot, study life and figure out the meaning of life, all surrounded by the most majestic view I have ever witnessed.

I am at their house while I type this out, jacking their high-speed internet, but it seems SO wrong being on the internet while the window to my right gives me a perfect view of natures masterpieces SO I'm going to go ahead and peace out and leave you all to your internet worlds.

Being here has already opened up the simple kid in me, showing me the simple life and I have literally laughed out loud at how fast paced my life is back home, I almost feel bad for some of you that may be reading this right now and who are thinking that I have written to much or that you can't read all of this because you have sooooo much to do =P

And for those of you that haven't reached this point in this blog post because it was too long ... sad.

Miss you all and I can kinda wait to come home and see you all (was about to say can't wait to see you guys) but I can ...

Until the next time I can jack their internet, ciao!!!!


  1. Did your dad drive? Or did you get picked up? I can see him doing e-brake turns and everything the whole way... Do the cars have driver seats no the right side? Yea? How did he handle that if so? I think it would mess me all up... I'd try to position myself next to the line separating the 2 lanes, which would leave the left side of the car in the oncoming lane! You made it there, so I assume he didn't have this issue.

    Even from Google Earth I can tell your in some type of magical mountainous godly region of the world that I can only dream of.

  2. WOW this has been a great read! how I am jealous! can't wait to look for pictures! besides an awesome photographer, you definitely have talent for creative writing! :) greetings to the family
