Sunday, May 24, 2009


Alright, so it's been WAY too long without a blog post and for those of you that read this blog:

I am sorry. Sincerely.

So what has happened since our last time together? Let's see.

Yesterday I went parasailing, which was UNBELIEVABLE! Since Switzerland is pretty much made up of huge hills, even bigger mountains and gigantic valleys, parasailing is almost a national past time here.

We booked a time to go parasailing with this dude who parasailed from where I am staying - Huemoz - to Geneva, which is an hour in a half by car. To put this in perspective, I was only in the air for 15 minutes, yet this dude flew to Geneva and back ... to sum it up, this guy is a living legend in Swizterland.

He runs his own parasailing school slash company where, for those of us who have no idea how to parasail, we can strap onto another dude and have him fly us around. There is a video down below of us in the air and a photo of me strapped to this crazy blonde dude who looks like a sheep farmer or something.

The whole process of parasailing in itself is a little crazy if you don't have a streak of action sports in you. Here's how it works. You have almost what looks like a mountain climbers outfit on (as far as the straps go), so straps around your legs, waist and then over your shoulders like a backpack. Then, you have thin yet strong threads, around 50-60 of them, that go from your back and shoulders to a huge fabric "parachute". It's a parachute but just not round, it's rectangular.

Once you are all strapped in and such, you start booking it down the hill until the parachute is above you, then, you run even faster ... actually, with me strapped to this guy, it was more like a ridiculously fast wobble and then before you know it you are running in the air.

From that point on I put my life in this guys ... parachute, hoping he wouldn't catch a bad air current and have us plummet 1500 feet to our immediate death.

This guy spoke no English, so there was a nice awkward silence for the first 5 minutes until I started just talking randomly, knowing full well that he had no idea what I was saying. So, I started talking about how if he allowed us to plummet to our deaths I would haunt his family and that it was really cool he let me be strapped onto him and how I didn't usually do this kind of thing with other guys. I was saying all this in a really nice tone of voice though and when I looked back after saying I would haunt his family he was smiling, so he had no clue what I was saying to him.

At one point, we were over some farmers fields, about 1200 feet in the air, and there was a group of 30 or so hikers below us and out of nowhere, almost making me piss myself, this dude behind me just started yelling random French words at them but they couldn't hear us, so he started laughing vicariously. Weird but whatever.

Few days before I put my life in a blonde parasailers parachute, we took a day trip around Lake Geneva. Lake Geneva is half in Switzerland and half in France, so we drove around the whole lake, which is about a 5 hour car ride. We stopped in a French town and then in Geneva, which is in Switzerland.

Geneva is a really amazing city. Though, something I really like about it is that any couple we saw walking around, was either all over each other making out dry humping or just looked like they were really in love, murmuring to each other in French over a coffee and feeding each other ice cream. The people in Geneva are so horny .... I loved it, not only did it provide entertainment but it made me wish I had a girlfriend .... anyways.

The sickest part of Geneva is that they have this massive fountain that is at the end of a pier that juts into Lake Geneva and it shoots a thick stream of water about 150 feet in the air, you can see this fountain almost anywhere in Geneva.

You can walk right up to the fountain, if you want to get soaked. We stood about 50 feet away from it and just got covered in a fine mist of water that was coming off from the impact of the fountain spray hitting the lake. I included some photos below of the fountain. The photo of the building below - look carefully - top right you can see the fountain. This photo was taken about 5 miles from the fountain, we were deep in the city.

My trip is coming to an end, which causes me to feel a mixture of sadness and happiness. I have had an amazing time here in this country and I know I will be coming back, visiting often, I'm even thinking of in a few years looking for a house to buy here that I can rent out from time to time. This country is so different and unique, peacefuly and quiet, majestic and beautiful that I cannot just visit it once in my life.

Enjoy the photos and video below and I will post a few more blogs before this trip is out!!


This is the view I had ... crazy, I know.

Look how happy we are together! That is the parasailing dude who I trusted my life with, awwww.

This photo is SICK because there was a double rainbow, major storm clouds and then BAM ... blue sky. Crazy.

Some random street in Geneva, we were so lost trying to find where we parked out car.

Le fountain top right - yeah, cool, I know.

The le fountain upclose. Kinda.

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