Thursday, May 14, 2009


Alright. Wow.

Paris was amazing. Blog post finished.

Just kidding, but before we get into the photos, I'll just set the intro up for you. We left for Paris on Monday (my birthday) and drove 6 hours, which, was a horrible drive because once you get out of Switzerland and into France, there isn't really anything to look at.

I mean, France is nice but I'm thinking Paris should pull a Vatican, and make themselves and independant country because the country of France totally sucks to drive through - so I slept, pretty much the whole way.

From now on, I'm going to blog through my photos and they aren't going to be in order of the days, because it's easier to cut off my own leg than format the photos in this blog.

Just so people don't get confused, the text will always refer to the photos ABOVE it.

Louie Vuitton. Did I go in? YES! Did I lust after every piece of clothing that would have fit me? YES. Did I try or touch anything? NO! I checked if they had Kanye West's shoes that he designed for LV but apparently they aren't out yet, which almost ruined my whole trip to Paris becaue I want to have a photo of me wearing them so I could have sent them into his blog. But NO ... Just to put LV into your understanding, a t-shirt, that says Louie Vuitton all over it costs 250 euros ... soooo ... $400 more or less. A Speedo buy LV is 200 euros ... craziness. We saw some Asian dude walk out with 5 bags of LV stuff ... I was tempted to take him into a back alley and steal everything but I didn't.

Mont Blanc - Champs D'Elysses. I have no clue if I spelled that street name right but that's how I'm going to spell it because it looks right - Champs D'Elysses is the main drag of Paris where you will find all the stores that you can't buy anything in. This is a fountain pen and it ONLY costs 14200 euros as you can see, so ... you know ... like $40,000. Pocket change, right?

THIS is a public toilet. Pretty awesome right? I pressed the button to open the door and was hit by a wall of old crap/piss smell, almost knocked me over. Not kidding. Did I use it, aahhhh, nope, I held it thanks.

Golden Penis. The French sure know how to carve their statues!! Not only was the horse made out of gold BUT they even hung a horse like a horse should be hung, penis and balls included. AND in gold, I hope the French carve a statue of me when I die! Just saying ...

The Tower of Eiffel. We were eating lunch at a corner cafe and we asked the waitress which direction the Eiffel Tower was in and she looked at us like we were, I don't know, foreign or something. I didn't ask the question, my mom did, I just assumed that if we looked up in the sky we would be able to see it BUT I was wrong. The French build incredible buildings and they build them high, so you actually can't see it from all over Paris like you could see the CN Tower. But she gave us the "why I am I wasting my time with these incompetent people who speak ANGLAIS" look because we said "Eiffel Tower" WHEN their english translation of Eiffel Tower is Tower of Eiffel. Excuuuuse me! haha, but in all seriousness, I love the French people but some of them are really rude.

Street Dancers. These dudes were SO unreal, they just set up their PSP and a speaker and waited until they had a crowd and then just breakdanced for ten minutes. It was so sick, I'm a huge fan of dancing of any kind (secret fact about Jason) because I know it requires so much practice and talent and I have tons of respect for people who can dance legit. I pushed my way to the front and started shooting them and once they saw I had a camera they would always come up close to me and bust out their biggest tricks, which was SICK hahaha. You can see what I mean of the photo of the dude with the bandana, he came up so close to me that I couldn't focus on him. I talked to them afterwards and they are all really rad guys and make a pretty good living off of dancing in the streets. I got their email and said I would send the photos to them, which they were really stoked about.

Champs D'Elysses. These two shots above are of the main drag in Paris. The first shot you can see how busy the street is. This was at 3:00 on a Tuesday. I don't think anyone works in Paris, I just think the government sends them cheques in the mail and then they go shop, eat, drink and smoke like it's going out of style. Any time of the day, there are adults, some dressed in work clothes, some dressed casually, just walking about - EVERY corner cafe is packed and I'm sure if I were to walk into an office of some sort it would be empty. Europeans have it going on.

Chanel. I was just walking around the Louvre area of Paris and saw a Chanel photoshoot going down, so I literally sprinted over to watch. For those of you who are photographers ... meaning you know how to use a strobe or can define the word aperture or focal point, then you will be either disappointed or happy to hear that all she was using was a D300 with a flash on the hotshoe ... me, personally, I was disappointed, I wanted to see STROBES, UMBRELLES, 50,000 ASSISTANTS RUNNING AROUND, STYLISTS, ETC ... but I saw this instead. Still stoked to see it though.

These are two more shots from the main street in Paris. The first one was of this girlfriend of some guy. He was making her pose in some really stupid positions and being all anal about it and I could tell she totally didn't want to be posing, especially on a street that is FULL of people. I thought it was funny so I turned all stalkerish and shot a few photos of her, she was posing, it's not creepy. The second shot is of a cafe we had some dessert at. I have nothing else to say about the cafe except that I think - legit - it was run by Jewish mafioso ... seriously.

Notre Dame. This church is ... incredible. The architecture, the history, the beauty, it's all so amazing. This place is huge too. Anyone see the Disney movie, The Hunchback of Notre Dame? I have, a hundred times, love that movie - anyways, this was the church that Quasi Moto swung and loped around in. I didn't see him, kinda wanted to, maybe that had a grave for him or something, I dont know, then my dreams were crushed when I found out he is a myth of sorts ... felt like the time I learned the Easter Bunny wasn't real and that my parents bought the chocolate for me ....

I will most likely throw up another post about some of the experiences I had that weren't photographed in Paris but right now I'm sick of typing and I think this should be enough for now, if not then friggin' deal with it cause I don't want to type any more, I want to drink my puny little coffee that was just served to me. I could finish this coffee in two gulps. The Swiss need to learn how to make things bigger ... then again, maybe they don't. Who knows.

Miss everyone so much it's starting to hurt my chest.


1 comment:

  1. amazing photos Jas!!! what a way to spend your birthday!
